Saturday, August 27, 2011


State number Five that I have lived in. It's a very nice area too. However, my body is having trouble adjusting to the change. Much higher elevation than I am used to and less oxygen/water in the air. Rough night. But I just need a few more days to adjust. Sad thing is that for the two months I was in MN, I did not have one bloody nose and the first night here, I got a bad one. Must be the high and dry environment. I should remember this if I travel abroad one day.

Gotta keep this brief because I am at a starbucks to do work. No internet yet at the house. I'm almost done with the CAteQUIZ'em app. I'm hoping to test it today on my iPad. I'm excited. Hopefully the market is good for it. At least among Lutherans, it shoud be.

Well, more to come later. I need to keep this short today.
