Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cruise Control

You ever feel like your stuck on cruise control?

I remember the first time I engaged a cruise control on a car. It surprised me. I felt the pedal go down on its own and the engine purred consistantly until I turned it off. I'm not sure what I was expecting to feel, but not quite that.

And what's interesting is that when you put your car on cruise control you gain a little freedom, but you lose a little control.

It's a give and take.

With some cars, you can relax a little then, while still watching the road and being aware of others around you. But on my 3-day drive out here, there were times when I was not within a mile of another car. And so, for hours at a time, the cruise came on.

The problem with cruise control is that it can offer a false sense of freedom.

Thankfully, we got out here to MN without a hitch. But lately I've been thinking about the trip out here.

I'm very comfortable here in New Ulm. There are friendly people, a good environment, and its allowing me to get on my feet financially for the first time. But I need more to do. Its getting to be a little monotonous. Not the work or the people, mind you, but keeping busy.

I've been working on a few documents and I have reworked my website (http://www.danielthenning.com/). I think I may be on to something here. . . We'll see.

I like "getting into the groove" of things here, but very soon the cruise will have to come off. I'm starting school in a few weeks and I have no idea what pace I will be living at then. Well, I've juggled a full time job and school for a few years now. Not to mention ministry work and a few extras. I'm sure I can do it. I'll just have to find the balance between work, school, and everything else.

And while I'm at it, I need to make sure I'm keeping track of my surroundings, fatigue and cruise control can be a bad combination on the road.

And in life as well . . .