Saturday, August 20, 2011


Lorem ipsum . . .

Just kidding. But I would like to have a shirt with that displayed. I think that would be bad@ss. But seriously, I feel like my life has completely turned around, emotionally, in the last few days. Kurt and Sue are back and we are going out tonight. They are such great people and I'm happy that they are back, even though our paths will only overlap for the next few days.

I am being very optimistic, but I feal very good about taking this school-year off. It wasn't exactly a decision. It was more like making the best of a crumby situation. But God has not forsaken me and I still have a Savior so I will attack this next year with enthusiasm and take advantage of the time I will have on my hands to develope some artistic elements that I would normally not have time for.

For instance, I will be puting together the CataQUIZem program that I wrote about in the last blog. I also will put together a database of 2.0 Presentations (my title for them). They will adapt the ideas of a Powerpoint slideshow, but will be made in After Effects. In this way, I will add animation to the slides and typography that is synced with music in the background. I hope to build a library of a few hundred songs. All of these will be Contemporary Christian music. The reason for these is two-fold. The first is so that a church that is not blessed with a full band of musicians can still implement contemporary music. These videos will be easy to upload into Powerpoint. The second reason to creating these videos in this manner is so that everything is perfectly synced together and as soon as the video is initiated, the presenter can sit back and sing along.

I'm hoping that these will be a great tool for churches. Of course, the church needs to have their own CCLI Liscense in order to perform or print the music, anyway, but I still need to research if there are any copyright guidelines I have to follow. Specifically, if I ever want to sell this library to churches and ministries.

But, apart from that, I have a few other ideas that I am working on. I can see myself sitting at a coffee shop working on these programs on my days off. I've learned that I can get alot of work done when I'm at an outside location, particularly graphic design work. And I have A LOT to do over the next year. But, now is the time. I jus tneed to get a job so I can live, but if this takes off  . . . who knows? Only God. I think I will be back here in New Ulm in a year for school. But I'm leaving my life open for God's direction.

Have a great night. I'm not sure if I will have a chance to write another blog before I start moving. If not, I'll see you in Chino Valley, AZ.

God Bless!