Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Horizons

I love coming up with titles for my blog that sound like titles to Star Trek episodes.

Anyway, I was asked to return for a follow-up interview tomorrow night for Applebee's. I am very optomistic, but not to the point where I want to risk looking like an ass in future blogs. But I was already offered a job elsewhere, but for now, I think that Applebee's is the better choice, but I'm open for both during the next two months and maybe longer if I can balance the school work load.

I am very pleased with how things are turning out so far. I am excited about the next few months and following years. Some things are a little different than I imagined they would be out here, but certainly not worse. God is good. He will not abandon his people.

Now, off to dinner at Perkins.