Tuesday, July 5, 2011

In New Ulm

Well all, I'm in MN. My apologies for not updating you along the journey nor the first day I got here. I have been very busy doing nothing.

I've actually had a nice little vacation, but I'm itching to find a job tomorrow and get back into a routine. For now, though, this is the first time in 7 years that I have been unemployed.

I actually arrived here last week Wednesday in the evening. I unpacked everything, but it was our plan to leave the next afternoon for my Grandmother's cottage-home in central Wisconsin. We pushed that off til the next morning as I wanted a little extra time to get settled in and pick up some job applications.

The job market seems very different out here that in California. There are actually signs on the streets and banners that say "Now Hiring." One place I picked up an application at said that they had an add in the paper looking to fill positions. Back in CA, even the entry-level jobs are being filled by out of work adults. I hope that God is with me tomorrow when I turn them in. I will let you know tomorrow night if I get a job :)

At my Grandmother's house there is no Internet or cell phone coverage, which is both terrible and amazingly wonderful. So unfortunately before I can go to bed, there are still alot of things I need to check online and I have a little bit of a mess of clothes on my new bed that I am unpacking.

I love my new room though. I am very grateful to Kurt and Sue for letting me stay here!  talk to you more later!
