Monday, August 15, 2011

Twists and Turns

A quick blog update while I work on my homework:

So it appears that my program at MLC has been downgraded to the point where I do not qualify for any Federal Aid. As a result, I will also need to start paying back my student loans sooner than expected. And on top of my other financial obligations and expences, I still have good amount left on my car. So, I will not be going to MLC this year.

I am a little dissappointed that this happened all of a sudden and I was not aware of this before I moved. I was told the exact opposite of what is happening now. So, I guess I'll finish up with National University and take this year off from school. God will direct me in this time to understand where he is leading me.

But for now, it's homework time, then packing time. I will be leaving New Ulm on the 24th, which gives me a little over a week. My boss was really great about the situation, yet sad to lose me. Not exactly a good thing for my resume either. But I'll have a job with Applebee's in New Ulm, should I return next year.

God bless.