Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Recovery discs for my Gateway PC have not arrived yet. It cannot even boot up right now. Something in it was totally destructive. The discs were only about $30, so it was a good first step to recovery. However, I think that realistically, I have about a 25% chance of recovering it at all, based on the level of damage. I'm not sure if its just the factory data or Windows too. I think I was able to create an image disc for Windows, so we shall see. . .

So, I'm stuck on my 5 year old laptop now (maybe 6 years old, I can't remember exactly when I bought it . . But I remember I bought it from Circuit City, so it's been awhile.). I took it to a coffee shop today and I got alot of Wrieframing done for my new app I'm designing.

I'm basing my app off a game that I played in Confirmation class taht was released on CD-ROM. The last version was released in 2007, and it is not very impressive, anymore. It runs through Internet Explorer and hardly worth the $20 I paid for it. All in all, it was not built by a graphic designer or anyone with an artistic mind.

So I'm redesigning it for iPad. The name was never trademarked, at least not the way that it's laidout now. So I'm pretty open to go with this. However, I have to think about distribution, as well. The program that I purchased was produced through our Synod's publishing house. If I sell mine on the Apple Store for a fraction of the cost, am I taking money away from my church-body? The fact that the program is mediocre is a mute point. Or should I try to sell it to the Publishing House? Or maybe there's another deal that I can/should make . . . I'm going to have to ask around, but I think that there is potential in this idea. One thing that I should consider too is that not every church in our synod owns an iPad. In fact, I will go out on a limb and say that less then 10% of our churches have one. On the other hand, the majority have computers. So I may develope this app (with over 1000 pages) and have no return for my time.

Any thoughts?