Saturday, August 6, 2011

Zinfandel Blues

Well, starting a new class this week with National University. This is my third to last class. I'll be glad when its done and I can say that I completed my Degree.

Nice long day today. It was really slow in the morning and afternoon at work. I only had two tables before I was cut. second shift today was spent as a host, so I probably made more money as a host than as a server. I have another double tomorrow and Sundays are normally good. The best part is, I can make the 8:00 am service at St. Paul's before starting my shift at 11. St. Paul's, by the way is my new church.

Anyway, I'm now at home drinking from a bottle of Dancing Bull red Zindandel wine. Its not very good, I'm sorry to say. . . but that's what I get for buying bottles of wine under $15. Sorry, but I cannot afford more. And I'm barely through one glass and I'm feeling a little tipsy.  Maybe it was the Brewtus Micalob I had at Applebees after I got off. only $3:). I have some Muenster and Cheddar cheese here and crackers which tastes great with the wine. I might need to save the rest of the bottle for tomorrow night. It could be that I haven't been eating normal meals or drinking much water. The humidity is so high here, my body's having trouble transitioning. Several people say that this is abnormal humidity for MN. We'll see...

And I'm watching some of my favorite episodes of MASH. This is great. But one of the more "serious" episodes directed by Alan Alda requires Hawkeye to say goodbye to a someone that really meant a deal to him. It was hard. And I've suddenly realized how many people I've said goodbye to this year. I'd like to say that I will see them again over pxmas break. But with my father receiving a call to Arizona, I'm not sure yet where I will be spending Christmas.

Anyway, alcohol and depression go hand in hand so I think I will put the cork back in the bottle of wine and head to bed. I have a lot of great things to look forward to over the next few years. God has plans for me and my life, just like all of us.

Have a great night and I'll see you next time. . . Same bat time, same bat channel!