Saturday, April 30, 2011

Step by Step / Forever we Will Sing

Well I promised that I would share with you why I chose the title I did.

It's actually quite simple. I took the title from one of my favorite songs that my band performed at church. Step By Step / Forever We will Sing by Michael W. Smith.

Although I never opened with "HELLO LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY!" as he does in his album (recorded live), I have gotten much excitement when performing this piece.

I played in a Worship Band called "Redeemed." We featured original pieces, but also performed covers from many Christian Contemporary artists. Artists like Michael W. Smith, Newsboys, Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, Hillsong (United), and more. We were never VERY good, but it was fun. We played in a few local concerts, but because we all had our own jobs or school (or both), we never found time to record.

But anyway, the lyrics to this particular song start out like this:

Oh God, You are my God
And I will ever praise You

Oh God, You are my God
And I will ever praise You

I will seek You in the morning
And I will learn to walk in Your ways
And Step by step You'll lead me
And I will follow You all of my days

These are such simple lyrics, but they speak volumes about the attitude that we should have when following God. We don't know where the checkered flag will appear or even what the next road mark will be. It is by each step that we follow him. No matter how many days we have, God should be the center of our lives and we ought to live by faith. Then we can truly walk in His ways.

Well, I need to get back to cleaning my room and packing. I just wanted to do a quick update. 57 days till I leave!


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

First Post

Hey all . . . well actually no one right now as I write this. I just posted up on my Facebook that I opened the blog, so we'll see who follows me. With me moving in less than three months and so many friends wanting me to keep them updated on my progress, I figured that a blog would be the best way to keep up with that. But I'm still open to talk to anyone who wants to. Just give me a call or email.

But I wanted to keep this first post very informal and short. In fact, I'm not sure how formal the writing will be or even how grammatically correct it will be at times.

But just to give a headsup to anyone reading this in the future (including myself when I finally do get a chance to write my memoir), I wanted to start this blog by talking a little about myself.

My name is Daniel Timothy Henning. I was born in Knoxville, TN. I lived in Greenfield, WI (suburb of Milwaukee) for 8 years and I moved out to Southern California in '98 and I have been living out here ever since (to date). My father is a pastor in a synod of churches and schools known as the WELS. It was because of the nature of his work that we moved around. Some pastor's and teacher's families have moved around more than ours . . . some less. But living in these different regions has given me an interesting view on life and people.

I am a missionary at heart, like my father. In a futue blog I will bring you up to speed on our relationship over the years and also some of the history of the last 13 1/2 years in Rancho Cucamonga, CA.

btw, as you may have noticed, I will be adding links from time to time to important pages and other blogs. I hope that this will eventually function like wikipedia, in that reading one blog will make reference (and links) to others. That's kinda how my mind works anyway.

Well, to wrap things up, I will be moving in  exactly 2 months from tonight (61 days). And I have already transferred all my dvds to two large cd albumns and packed away the cases. I also packed up all the books I will be taking with me and got a good start on packing the ones I will not be needing. Still I need to close my bank account and open a new one with a company more nation-wide. I need to make sure my car payment is transferred to the new account. And add about 50 little odds and ends that I need to wrap up here before I leave and it becomes quite clear that these 2 months will not last long.

So if my posts are sporadic between now and then, do not take it personally. I'm also trying to finish up a big editing project for a friend and associate. I just hope I can get it done. In fact, I'm off to work on it now.

I'll tell you more later about where I'm moving to and why, and why I named my blog what I did. But for now, the only clue I will leave you with is "MLC." Let's see how your google detective skills are.
